Sunday, January 24, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen a tragedy strike the island nation of Haiti and then an aftershock shake the Caribbean. The world expects the United States to step in and contribute to the relief efforts, and we have. You have government officials, celebrities, and athletes all asking people to donate. People like Ben Stiller, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, and Dwyane Wade have gone as far as donating a million dollars of their own money. They have sponsored telethons like ‘Hope for Haiti,’ and many athletes have used their platform to push the cause for Haiti.
Option 1: I want to know if you or your family has donated to the relief efforts for Haiti. Why or why not? Would you rather donate money to a cause like this, or would you be more willing to donate your time and physical capabilities? Who is more likely to convince you to donate; a celebrity, an athlete, a government official, or someone close to you?
Option 2: The entire world expects the United States to lead the relief efforts in Haiti. They expect the United States to donate money, manpower, and supplies to the Haitians. How do you feel about this? The U.S. debt keeps rising, but we are expected to be a leader in this and other global crisis’. Should the United States worry about our own deficiencies, or should we be the global leader that everyone expects us to be?

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