Sunday, March 28, 2010

National Health Care, Right or a Privilege?

This week we are going to be watching a short video describing our nation's newly passed Health Care Reform. This new legislation makes health care available to any and every American citizen. You have the right to obtain health coverage. An insurance company can not deny you because of a preexisting ailment.
The short video clip you just watched ends with the topic of health care being a right or a privilege. In 200 words or more, I would like you to tell me whether or not you believe that health care is a right or a privilege? Try to give examples in your description.
This is our second blog of the 9 weeks and after this blog is due, you will be on Spring Break! I hope you all enjoy your week off and are re-energized for the final 7 weeks!!!

1 comment:

  1. I believe we should not talk about politics in school, whether or not this is U.S. History... And thats my comment. :) have a good day.
