Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog Response: Oct. 19-23

John Brown’s capture of the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia,
electrified the nation.  Many southerners viewed Brown’s actions as an act
of terrorism that revealed how far northerners would go to end slavery.
Many northerners saw Brown’s attack as a violent but necessary step in the
process of ending slavery.  Both sides saw the raid as another step towards war.  Looking back at John Brown's raid, I want you to write about... 
Option 1:  Was Brown’s attack an act of terrorism, or a reasonable attempt to end

Option 2: What was the role of sectionalism in the growing antagonism between the North and South during the years before the Civil War?
As usual, write around 2/3 of a page (200 words). It is due at the beginning of class on Friday. Good luck!

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