Monday, November 2, 2009

2nd Nine Weeks 5 Paragraph Essay

Short Civil War Essay

Your Assignment:

Write a five paragraph essay on what you think was the greatest cause of the Civil War. Your paper will have an introduction, a three paragraph body, and a conclusion. Each paragraph of your body should discuss a different point of persuasion. Your typed short essay will be due on Tuesday (November 17th)

You must use outside sources for the basis of your essay. You must use a minimum of one source, but the more sources you use, the easier your paper will be to write. This is not an opinion paper, you must use facts as your method of persuasion. Your opinion can be one of your persuasive paragraphs. You can either use footnotes at the bottom of each page of your essay or you can make a works cited page.

Possible Topics:

- Expansion of Slavery into Territories

- States Rights vs. Federal Rights

- Tariff issues

- Sectionalism

- Expansionism

- Economics

- Party Politics