Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blog November 30-December 4

This week we will be talking about the United States at the turn of the 20th Century and the events that occurred within our beautiful country. You will have Monday to work on these and your essay will be do first thing on Friday. You can also choose to work on your essay Thursday, but that time is going to be reserved to work on your study guide. 3 weeks until Christmas Break, let's make them count!
Option 1: In this chapter, we will discuss immigrants and their experiences coming to the United States and landing in Ellis Island and Angel Island (If you want to know more, turn to Section 1 of Chapter 15 on page 488). I want you to tell me what you would do when you first landed in the United States as an immigrant.
Option 2: Urban planning was a major concern for many city developers in the early 1900s. They wanted to keep certain areas beautified by building parks. I want you to design your own park. Your paper should describe to me (in writing!) your park. You have unlimited funds to build your park, so be creative.

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